Saturday, 8 September 2018

Uncle Istvan

Welcome to another day of mutations!

Uncle Istvan is a deranged, cannibal hermit. He lives alone in a hidden shack among the ruins, down in the underhive, surrounded by the skulls of those he ate. Despite his fragile, ill appearance, he wields his massive axe with impressive strength, stalking his prey from the shadows until he leaps out of the darkness screaming and laughing, trying to chop heads off. Uncle Istvan lost his sanity long ago, age mixed to loneliness and starvation, and now he's loyal only to his stomach: anybody is just meat, be it human, animal or mutant.

The crazy hermit is a feared figure. Stories are told of a skinny old man, hunched around a massive axe, cackling like a maniac. Even the most boastful gangers fear to travel through what are considered Uncle Istvan's hunting grounds, and patrols tend to travel squeezed together, hands clutched frantically to their weapons, everyone trying to stay in the middle of the group. And then a laugh echoes...

To be honest, I like this model a lot. I'm not a good sculptor, hence the fact that I managed to make this, even with all his flaws, makes me happy. It's also one of those models that suddenly come out together in a single go: the name and background came while I was building him (points if you get the name reference).

There's lots of greenstuff: I glued the arms to the body in a precarious position, and then filled the spaces with g.s.; same for the neck. The upper and lower half of the body are kept together with g.s. too, and in fact the rope that holds his rags and the skull are all there to cover the ugly mess of the joint.

So, what do you think? Critics, suggestions, opinions?

See you next time!