Hello everybody!
Let's continue with the Company of Rust.
I have not made many models for this gang, actually. Strangely enough, they need much more thought than other models. I think it's the fact that I'm trying to make "common people" (if we can describe them this way) in a setting that's not really known for common people. Even the lowliest guy is either a soldier or a mutant, while I want to give the gang the Mad Max feeling of normal humans trying to survive.
Here are two gangers in the later stages of assembly.
Left one is still a wip: I need to refine the green stuff on his chest, give him a torn sleeve for the naked arm and possibly a way to distinguish the neck from the shirt. Rifle guy I think is complete, I just have to decide if I want to stop thinking about him.
They don't have names yet, though the poses suggested me their personality. The guy with the knife is aggressive, and embraced the fatalistic credo of the gang to the extreme, rushing into fights without care. The guy with the rifle, instead, is extremely wary and anxious: you can see from the pose that he's not really sure about this gunfight, maybe not even sure about the safety of his own gun, and even managed to make some pieces of armor to feel protected. Not that covering his shoulders would do much, but we all know in Warhammer universe the bigger your pauldrons the tougher you are. Just believe it. Poor guy, this whole "enthropy" thing must not really be his thing. Also, I feel the urge to call him Bob.
I also need to say that Genestealer Cult's neophyte heads are one of the best things GW ever made.
See you next time with a larger model.
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