Saturday, 7 July 2018


Hello everybody!

Today no conversions, sorry.

One of the armies I'm working on is the Death Guard. I started playing Death Guard when 6th edition came out and a friend of mine bought the Chaos Space Marines codex. At that time I had only experimented with Necrons, and looking at all those wonderful unit customizations and variety (which Necrons had none) sparked my creativity. Nurgle caught my eye for two reasons: first, I have a penchant for tough, footslogging infantry armies, that can grind my opponent down instead of just smashing it; second, to me it had the greatest potential for painting.

For some reason, though, I never managed to make a real army, just a few models.

Fast forward a few years, and GW bestowed on us a Death Guard codex full of new models. The XIV legion was also featured in the Dark Imperium set, and I managed to snatch an old Dark Vengeance box for peanuts, and had a friend playing Space Marines to split everything with. So I suddenly found myself with an entire army ready - and played Fate of Konor with it too!

Now, I'm a slow painter. I like to devote time to each detail. It's a form of zen to me: some grow bonsai, I paint. What I strive for is not a tabetop army, but a showcase army. And I don't have a lot of time to begin with. Add the fact that I jump from model to model and from project to project, and you'll understand why I have so few models completed. Today, I'd like to show you the first model I actually completed: Typhus, Host of the Destroyer Hive.

As you can see there are a few personal variations.

First and foremost, I didn't assemble the clouds of flies on his back. They made the model too clumsy in my opinion, distracting the eye from Typhus itself.

Second, there's more brass than it should be. If you look at GW's image for Typhus, you'll notice that almost all the metallic should be steel. That though clashed with the rest of the Death Guard, since I'm using the traditional copper and green colour scheme.

I must say I'm pleased with the result! I think I achieved a dirty yet sober look. What do you think?

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