Thursday, 23 August 2018


“I tell you one of those foul things ate Bob! They only found his gun and some drips of blood.”
“Stop trying to scare me, Gus. I’m not a kid anymore.”
“Sssssh! Quiet! Then stop acting like one and listen. These places are dangerous.”
“Yeah, yeah. As you say, old man. I’m sure we’ll OH GOD SHOOT IT! SHOOT IT!”

Down in the underhive, in the darker domes, amid the ruins, mutants find shelter. Some form packs, some lurk alone; some still retain traces of humanity, others devolve into mindless beasts. But whatever crosses those territories is doomed to attract many a hungry mouth. Thus they’ll look like a group, while the truth is every mutant is racing to secure the juiciest bits.
Tales of horror and gruesome death are told by the other gangers around campfires, like one would a ghost story. Tunnels are sealed and guarded. But some still try to venture in those places, and not everyone return.

Mutants are not actually a “gang”. They are a ragtag collection of mutated, deformed, deranged individuals that all happen to be hungry. So I’m trying to shape each of them individually, make every one of them easily recognizable as a character. Many of them won’t even have names. 
This one, for example, wears what remains of a hazmat suit. Once a worker, mutations wracked both his body and his mind. Now  his only instincts are killing and eating.

I built this guy from an Acolyte Hybrid body. The forearms and the head come from the Crypt Ghouls, and the bludgeon is made of two pieces of a banner of the Empire Flagellants. I swear Warhammer Fantasy AoS is a goldmine when you want to make Inq28 conversions!

The hazmat suit is painted with abundance of washes and paint splatters here and there. The skin is something I like doing with all my mutants (yes, there will be more, hopefully soon!): I start with Rakarth Flesh, and then I begin adding thin patches of colours: Kislev Flesh, Slaaneshi Grey, Cadian Fleshtone, and some crevices darkened with Reikland Fleshshade. Everything extremely thin, to simply provide different tones to the skin, trying to make it look ill.

Now, I need to choose how to make the base. Since the mutants live in abandoned areas, amid the ruins, maybe I could make them like the Techpriest’s one. Let’s see.

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