Saturday, 16 January 2021


A tiny guy.

A lexmechanic for the slowly growing AdMech warband. Lexmechanics are among the lowliest ranks among the Adeptus Mechanicus: they are basically bureucrats with computer speed and accuracy. They compile all data so that it can be stored and used as needed. 

This guy has been seconded to the explorator squad to function as a walking encyclopedia, both recording every step of the squad while they venture down the underhive and retrieving useful information about the hive city. Augmentations and years of grinding task left him as little more than a servitor, devoid of emotions and basically enslaved to the magos. If left alone he would mindlessly wander, shuffling around trying to catalogue everything.

I'm very proud of this little guy (seriously, that's a 25mm base)! Not only it turned out exactly like I imagined, but it has been a good exercise in painting clothes: all shadows (like under the shoulders, or where the legs are bent, the various crevices and folds) and lights on the red have been carefully painted by hand, and without washes either. 


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